More appointments

Last week Tuesday was a great day. We went to a friends house and swam in her pool much of the afternoon, Willow had a blast!  I knew the kids would all be exhausted too with so much pool time that day, but there was one thing I was not counting on.  Willow had a seizure during her nap.  It happened right at 5 pm when all the offices are closing (of course) and so the first call was to the ped's office. Their on call told me all seizure activity should result in a call to 911... Um, yeah thanks for that advice but no that is not what I have been told before. So I put a call to neurology... yeah after 2 hours, (and a call back to them) I finally hear back from the on call who says lets get an EEG done, and an appt. with the nurse practitioner (NP) right away. So, tomorrow will be here EEG, and next week we will go over the results with the NP. The on call neurologist said that if it happens again that night to take her straight to ER, but we were lucky and it didn't.  Now she doesn't have seizures all that often, so she isn't on any meds nor do we have anything to stop a seizure if it lasts too long. But again, she has them once maybe twice a year. Well, I just reviewed her blog before coming here today and saw that she had another seizure back in April (yes, I have to review her story to remember at times)... so that makes this one seizure number two for the year and we are in July. I hate to look too deeply into things, especially when doctors tell me nothing is really wrong, but I can't help but worry a bit that we may be going down the path of intermittent shunt failure and that is what is causing the seizures. Not much I can do with that except hope that a test catches it, as her vents are almost sealed shut anyway.  So if you have any extra thoughts, prayers or time to just put a little well wish onto Willow I would appreciate it. : )

On a lighter note, we have had a good week otherwise. Wednesday night was family night at scout camp where Jonathan was at, so we got the chance to visit with him

Thursday the kids held a kool aid stand with friends to help raise money for our trip to DC

The weekend we laid low, did our normal house chores, house sat for a friend, just kind of hung out. Last night we were playing outside and at 9:30 I told Willow it was time to go in and get cleaned up... This was her reaction

She was at first very sad (hence the sad face chalk drawing), but then when asked to show me her own sad face that was what she gave me!! LOL  Silly girl 

Willow wishes you all a great Monday and a happy week :) 


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