A new month!

Well it is February now!  I really cannot believe that it is already February, especially since it seems like New Year's was just the other day.  So the plans for this month?

Well currently Willow is recovering nicely from her tubes being put in on Monday. Tomorrow she has an EEG scheduled to see if they can pick up any seizure activity.  I have not seen anything since last week in her therapy session, so that is good.  On the 8th, we go to the eye doc. to get clearance for her tear duct surgery scheduled at the end of this month. Willow also has physical therapy that day, and her follow up appointment with her neurosurgeon.  Busy day!

We also have a few things going on with Jonathan as well.  It appears that his scouting trip to Pando has caused him to have something called a Post Concussion Syndrome.  Basically he fell out of his tub, hit his head really hard, and is still suffering the consequences weeks later!  He fell Jan. 22nd, but still has headaches, blurred vision, dizzy spells etc.  I have been told that it could last a month or so, and now we are waiting to hear back from a specialist from a brain trauma clinic here in town... I am not sure of much more than that, so we will see how that pans out.  He has a class trip to Cannonsburg to go skiing next week, and I am so leery to let him go but I know that he will truly enjoy it.  So Jon and I have decided to let him go, Jon is going to go with him as well!! :)  That should be great to see! LOL

Evan and Amanda are doing well, so that is good.  Nothing too exciting to report with them, which honestly is nice!

So, I have not heard back from any of the people I had hoped to about helping with the fundraiser, so if I am going to get this going, I really need to kick myself in gear!  I have not ever planned one before, and am not really sure where to begin, but I think finding a venue for the dance would be the best place to start!! Hopefully we can still get this together soon, but even if I have to push it out to March/April, the fact that I did it will be wonderful!

Thank you all for keeping Willow and our family in your thoughts and prayers, the overwhelming feeling of love is such a wonderful feeling.  :)


Matthew said…
I want to see Jon ski, that would be a sight.

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