A new'er' normal....
So the other day I got a post card in the mail from Willow's neurosurgeon - time for your follow up visit, please call us to schedule your appointment! So I call, and don't hear anything for two days. I was going to call back to day, and instead got out of work to a voicemail from Helen DeVos Children's hospital - Dr. Foody has ordered a sedated MRI, so we need to schedule that. Oh.... my heart sank. I know nothing is wrong, and she is doing great, but oh.... So, this is our newest normal - a scheduled MRI for the follow up visit. I know why they need it and all, but oh.... When your child has to go under sedation, and has already gone under so many times that it no longer works so they keep propofol on hand so as to instantly knock her out if she wakes up, it kind of sucks when we have to do this. But this indeed will be our new'er' normal, and her appointment is set for March 6th, at 8:30 am arrival time. She also has scheduled for the mont...