Random thoughts

Hello my friends!  Since the last post we have had Willow's speech evaluated.  As we suspected, she is delayed in expressive speech - meaning she speaks as if she is a 1 year, 5 month old child. Her receptive or understanding of speech though is - get this - at a 3 year 2 month old level! Yup that is right, my baby who was born 'without a brain' (really it was just horribly squished against the skull) understands what you tell her at a level above her age! Yes we are very proud parents :)  And that will be the last time you hear me gloat about it, but really it is cool isn't it?

Let me get off my soapbox now...

Recently for the PHF I have been able to secure a location for a support group meeting and that has been awesome! I am really looking forward to being able to meet other people who are local and offer any help that I can for them, a friend, an ear to listen to them when needed or whatever I can do.  I am also setting up a restaurant fundraiser for February, so that will be exciting too.  We have our room reserved for the DC trip in August, so I will be working on setting up meetings with congress reps, so if you live somewhere in MI, and would like to see your congress rep support hydrocephalus, please let me know your zip code and I will take care of the rest! :)

On the personal home front, things are going okay... I have started to prepare the kids for a move this year, earliest is spring - latest will be when school gets out.  There are many circumstances leading to that this year, so as I know I have said it before, it will be true this year.  Evan is the one that of course we knew would have a hard time adjusting to this idea, but since we are not changing schools - I have faith that things will be fine. 

Speaking of faith, our family has been going to Frontline Community Church for quite some time.  While we are very open minded people about a lot of things, we thought we would not be the church going family type... But low and behold just around the time of Willow's birth we found the church or maybe the church found us, but we have been slowly becoming more involved.  Jon is now a part of the arts team there, and I am plugged into the moms group (though I don't attend often due to work) but it is super awesome to know there are a lot more friends in our community than we first thought a while back.  I do have to say that when you have a child with any type of special needs, no matter how 'able' they are, it can be such an isolating event and it takes a lot to overcome that.  I am glad that we have the community to help us as we do. 

I do believe that sums up my thoughts lately... Looking forward to a great year! :)


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