New Year - New Blog

I did it again, I decided to do a redesign of the blog.  I hope you all like and enjoy it.  I am going to try to post a lot more often (I know I always say that and it lasts for a bit and then all of a sudden life takes over). Well I don't like to make resolutions as really if you want to make a change for yourself you should and can do it at any time of the year.  Plus anytime I do make a resolution well see above - I start out great and then just fickle away. LOL  But I am going to put forth a great effort to really stick to this.

The blog will still be called Willow's Wishes, but I am going to post stories about all kinds of things - my thoughts for the day, something that caught my attention at church, how things are going with all the kids in general (I have so many stories to share already), things that I will be doing with the PHF this year.  After all, Willow's Wishes do not just revolve around her; she has taught us so much in her last 2 years of life, that I really get excited to think about all that she will teach me in the years to come.

A sisterly dance party on New Year's Eve:

 Jonathan did not make it to midnight:
 Neither did Amanda:
 Evan did though:
 Here is Willow out with her elephant:

I truly hope you all had a wonderful holiday season for whatever it is that you celebrate (after all I have many friends from different backgrounds and that is what makes our life so lovely).  I wish you all a great New Year and that you feel life's blessings in 2013.


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