
Showing posts from August, 2011

Fall is fast approaching...

Soon the older three children will be back at school, and my year will only get more crazy! LOL  Jon goes back to CC next week, and so my schedule will change at work.  I was really hoping that my last day would be this Friday... but alas Shirley decided to throw me a curve ball and actually work around my life and let me work whatever hours I need to... Now that gives us something to think about.  I am still not sure it will work since Jon has 3 classes this fall.  I do not believe that if I am working in between his school and work hours he will be able to do any homework with Willow.. But we shall see. We are willing to give it a try for a bit. Willow is doing well! She has been home for over a month now.  She has acquired a cold though, that comes along with an eye infection. :(  We are praying that she does not get a temp with this at that could take us back a few steps.... She saw her neurosurgeon today for her post-op check up. It is the first time...

The tide is changing

Yup, once again, things in life are changing. After all, wouldn't life be horribly boring if it never changed?! So, how did we spend the rest of yesterday after the eye appointment?  Well, I visited a friend at Palmer Elem. as it was her first day back.. It was really nice to catch up as we never did get a chance to hang out this summer like we really wanted to.  Then I got a phone call reminding me that I need to pick up my produce from the church it was delivered to... You see I have a 1/2 share of a farm, Peach Ridge Farm, and every week they bring food down for us and other families who have shares in the farm.  I had forgotten all about this as the last time I was called about it we were in the hospital with Willow and I just plain forgot after that. OOPS!  But it was so cool to get food yesterday! I got spaghetti squash, some melon, 6 ears of sweet corn (cannot wait to get into that for tomorrow's dinner) and green peppers. So between that and Doorganics deli...

What a day!!

I feel like I could sleep for a week!  My day started at around 5:30 am when Willow woke up to nurse and then I just could not get comfy and fall back asleep well, so 6:45 I get up for the day. I work from about 8 to noon which went well, got quite a bit done I suppose for a half day then came the real fun! Willow had an OT evaluation today (OT = occupational therapy) OT works on sensory issues, or for children so small fine motor skills and the details of physical therapy.  That went well I would say for her first day and having to wake her up from a nap in order to do this!  The therapist is great with her, giving her breaks, or mama cuddles as she calls them whenever Willow seems to need them; so she is never being pushed to work more than she wants.  The evaluation did deem that she needs therapy, for low muscle tone and joint displacement. Basically just saying that she is a bit weak due to so much hospital stay and not enough floor play! After her OT appt. ...

Can we say it yet?

I still knock on wood to even think that we are approaching the 1 month mark since her surgery.  I tread lightly when people ask how she is doing, and do I think... No one wants to really say the words that may set us back, but we are all thinking them.  I long for the days of normalcy once again, I like to think that once the older children are back in school things will settle down a bit, only I think it is wishful thinking at this point in my life! LOL  After all so many changes will be taking place this fall it is so weird to even think about how things will go! My weeks will once again be full in the evenings with Boy Scouts for Jonathan, Cub Scouts for Evan, Girl Scouts for Mandie, PTA meetings (that I am no longer in charge of!! Yeah!!) yet still need to go to as I do still play a role on the board.  There will be a new hat in my life, I am taking on the Co-director of the Michigan state chapter of the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Association.  My co-directo...

We are there again...

Yup, 3 weeks ago yesterday Willow had her third shunt placed.  We have been home since and a lot has been going on, and yet not so much at the same time!! LOL   She has had a therapy session at home since then, seen her two brothers off to camp, visited them both at camp, been to a friends house to put her feet in the pool (not such a great time for her there, we have to work on that)  We have made a few library trips while out, normal errands and just general living of life. We are embarking on a milestone actually... It was July 12th that she had the surgery, so if we can make it to that date we are celebrating 1 month home!! I am not making plans, as we all know how that turns out, but we are enjoying our days as they come.  She is rolling over quite a bit now, and really loves to interact with her siblings, it is such a great thing to see.  She seems to really love to see Evan's face :)    So now we just wait and see... School will be starting ...