Fall is fast approaching...
Soon the older three children will be back at school, and my year will only get more crazy! LOL Jon goes back to CC next week, and so my schedule will change at work. I was really hoping that my last day would be this Friday... but alas Shirley decided to throw me a curve ball and actually work around my life and let me work whatever hours I need to... Now that gives us something to think about. I am still not sure it will work since Jon has 3 classes this fall. I do not believe that if I am working in between his school and work hours he will be able to do any homework with Willow.. But we shall see. We are willing to give it a try for a bit. Willow is doing well! She has been home for over a month now. She has acquired a cold though, that comes along with an eye infection. :( We are praying that she does not get a temp with this at that could take us back a few steps.... She saw her neurosurgeon today for her post-op check up. It is the first time...