The tide is changing

Yup, once again, things in life are changing. After all, wouldn't life be horribly boring if it never changed?!

So, how did we spend the rest of yesterday after the eye appointment?  Well, I visited a friend at Palmer Elem. as it was her first day back.. It was really nice to catch up as we never did get a chance to hang out this summer like we really wanted to.  Then I got a phone call reminding me that I need to pick up my produce from the church it was delivered to... You see I have a 1/2 share of a farm, Peach Ridge Farm, and every week they bring food down for us and other families who have shares in the farm.  I had forgotten all about this as the last time I was called about it we were in the hospital with Willow and I just plain forgot after that. OOPS!  But it was so cool to get food yesterday! I got spaghetti squash, some melon, 6 ears of sweet corn (cannot wait to get into that for tomorrow's dinner) and green peppers. So between that and Doorganics delivery the day before I am set with so many veggies it is awesome!  I will be making all kinds of good things for us now.

So, after picking up the veggies we remembered that there was a park party around our house, and well, since Jon was working why not take the kids?! After all, it was a beautiful evening.  So, we go and then I run into Mrs. Cook, the kids principal!  It was so nice to see her and her mom there! The kids got to play some games and get cool little prizes (their favorite today has been a stencil ruler).  And then home for a late dinner of ravioli and kale chips.  Evan loved them as did I.  Jon felt I put too much salt on them (which I guess I won't lie I probably did... oops) Jonathan and Mandie were not too fond of them, but that is okay it was something new to try.

Today, I worked from 8-2; will be getting dinner here soon... Pizza night!  Then off to babysit for a friend.

All the while I have been working on getting back into school. Well I just the email today that I have been accepted into Western Governors University!  I will be finishing my teaching degree with them, and will be certified through the state of Michigan when all is said and done!  Then if we choose to move we can, or stay here and hope for a job. Either way, I am just excited to be getting closer to finishing. I am also speaking with Jon about quitting my current office job and spending the next year as a sub.  I can sub 4 times a month and make the same amount of money I do currently... So if I choose to sub more we get more money!! What a concept right?!

Just please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers with all the change that is taking place. It will be a crazy school year, but I have to say that with Willow going to be in therapy 3 times a week alone, plus whatever other appts. she may need I think this really is the best thing for us... I am just such a creature of habit that I am afraid to put in my notice!!
