What a day!!

I feel like I could sleep for a week!  My day started at around 5:30 am when Willow woke up to nurse and then I just could not get comfy and fall back asleep well, so 6:45 I get up for the day. I work from about 8 to noon which went well, got quite a bit done I suppose for a half day then came the real fun!

Willow had an OT evaluation today (OT = occupational therapy) OT works on sensory issues, or for children so small fine motor skills and the details of physical therapy.  That went well I would say for her first day and having to wake her up from a nap in order to do this!  The therapist is great with her, giving her breaks, or mama cuddles as she calls them whenever Willow seems to need them; so she is never being pushed to work more than she wants.  The evaluation did deem that she needs therapy, for low muscle tone and joint displacement. Basically just saying that she is a bit weak due to so much hospital stay and not enough floor play!

After her OT appt. she had an appointment with her eye doctor.  She is such a great joy to meet with!  After checking Willow out for a bit, and then deciding to dilate her eyes, we now need to place a patch on her left eye for an hour or two every day until her next appt. in 8 weeks.  Her left eye is stronger than the right, and the right goes wandering a bit but not that often anymore... But due to the fact that in power her left eye is stronger as well, we will place the patch in hopes she will not need glasses before she turns 1!

I am sure there is so much more as I know we did a bunch more after those appointments, but alas I am tired and need to get some rest before tomorrow.  I am babysitting for a friend and need my rest today! :)
