Lessons learned on the first day....

Yes, today has finally come - the day where Jon worked full time for the first time in about a year (maybe a bit longer) and I stayed home!  Now let me remind you I am still working Tuesday and Friday nights from 6-9 pm and that will be purely extra funds... but basically I am now a stay at home mom....

So how did this first day of my new life go?? Well two important lessons were learned by myself today:

1 - Even though I am on 'vacation' (no I do not see being a stay at home mom as a vacation, please don't think I believe that one bit - and really if you know me well, I don't need to explain that thought either - but for the next 12 days before the kids are home for summer it is my learning curve period or 'vacation' as I am calling it).... So back to the lesson - even though I am on 'vacation' my children are not; and they still rely on me to get them up and ready and off to school.  Please remember that when that alarm is going off in the morning it is not just for Jon but also for me to get my butt in gear and kids to school!

Yes, I woke up late, and in turn that meant the kids woke up late. Thankfully though it was not too late so everyone made it to school on time... Just a little more hurried than we normally like our Monday mornings.
So lesson learned, the alarm clock still is meant for me too :)

2 - Please remember to plan dinner before getting distracted with the large 'to-do' list.  Yes I know I am 21 weeks pregnant, and should take it a bit easier due to my history... But as stated above I have only 12 days left of this 'vacation' also known as must get the house organized and into some semblance of order before they all return for the summer and turn it upside down again!! LOL

So, I decided to start going through the girls room today beginning with their closet.  You see I was looking for packed away summer clothes for Amanda.  Well, I went through all boxes in her room, cleaned out 3 garbage bags of broken toys/McDonalds stuff etc, and no summer clothes... So if you know of anyone having sales that would have girl size 6/7 please fill me in! :) But in doing so, I also forgot (due to another distraction) to plan for dinner.

And here is lesson 3 - keep something quick on hand for dinner (that you will want to make even after you are hot, sweaty and been busy cleaning all day)... You see my other little lesson, which I should know by now, is that plans will not go how you expect them to.  Jonathan called home today sick... So no trip to the grocery store, instead a trip to the doc for both him and Willow.... Well they don't have strep as their sister does, but instead a virus, and well I still have to go grocery shopping!! LOL

So that is my day in a nutshell, tomorrow will be just as interesting I am sure!

Now I will leave you with some photos of good ol' family fun we had this last weekend:


Our walk to the pier in Grand Haven

Our stop just before the pier.. I can't trust them all out there just yet! 

And of course there has to be one with me and the kids as well, its only fair! :) 

The older kids digging for water.. hmmmm 

Willow finding the water! LOL 

Digging near a barbie structure another little girl left behind


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