Lessons learned on the first day....
Yes, today has finally come - the day where Jon worked full time for the first time in about a year (maybe a bit longer) and I stayed home! Now let me remind you I am still working Tuesday and Friday nights from 6-9 pm and that will be purely extra funds... but basically I am now a stay at home mom.... So how did this first day of my new life go?? Well two important lessons were learned by myself today: 1 - Even though I am on 'vacation' (no I do not see being a stay at home mom as a vacation, please don't think I believe that one bit - and really if you know me well, I don't need to explain that thought either - but for the next 12 days before the kids are home for summer it is my learning curve period or 'vacation' as I am calling it).... So back to the lesson - even though I am on 'vacation' my children are not; and they still rely on me to get them up and ready and off to school. Please remember that when that alarm is going off in the morning ...