A turn in the adventure...

So the foundation I work with, Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation will be doing a day at Capitol Hill next month (here is the link for more info: http://www.hydrocephaluskids.org/wordpress/), and our family is very excited about this endeavor.  We are working hard to raise funds to be able to go on this trip, and our first plan didn't make it off the ground unfortunately.  So now we are trying our best to come up with some other great fundraising ideas in a short time frame!  I feel that I have been called to go on this trip, and I am continuing to pray that I am following the correct path... The road was never promised to be easy, and I am trying to remember that and not get too discouraged! 

Our plan for a fundraiser is to have a yard sale! We are asking all of our friends to clean their houses and donate items to us that they would like to get rid of! :)  Any money we make we will use to get us to DC so that we can speak to congress about hydrocephalus, Willow's story, and let them know that more funding is needed.  We will get our own personal appointments while in DC with either a rep, or a congress member from our district-so it will be great one on one interaction. 

Now if only the fundraising can go as well as I hope! LOL

But aside from that, Willow is doing well.  She made it through the crazy heat in Michigan last week.  Is doing so well with her words. She can say mommy, daddy, mandie and is working on Jonny (for her oldest brother) and still trying to get out Evan.  She knows many animal sounds, and has learned quite a few signs as well! :) 

We are very proud of our wonderful little family, Evan leaves tomorrow for Webelo's Adventureland Camp and Jonathan then leaves on Sunday for Boy Scout Camp! :) Amanda is still wishing for her turn at this whole camp adventure! LOL  Maybe next year.  :) 

I hope all of our friends are having a wonderful summer as we are too. :)


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