What a Friday...
Ahhhh Friday evening we meet again. I just wish that all my children were asleep right now at 9 pm instead of only the baby; but what can you do?? Well, Jonathan spent the last couple of days at camp with his class, and he came home all smiles, and filled with stories (and who wouldn't?!) Short of it all, he had a blast and did a great job at the talent show (will have to check with Jon to see if he took pictures or a video of him last night). Evan and Amanda are doing well in school, and still trying to navigate their way around life at home when it comes to respect and caring etc. But I have faith that we will one day all respect each other in the way they should! LOL Really it isn't that bad, after all I don't believe it is any worse than the things I did to my brother as a child, so I guess what goes around comes around in one way or another! :) Willow the littlest star of the family... she had therapy today with Ken-O-Sha and today w...