Random thought of the day...

So how "Green" can a mommy who has never paid much attention to that idea really become!  Last night I saw a commerical for the Baby Bullet http://www.babybullet.com/?gclid=CKWBgZX-76kCFQJrKgodJ0z2YA and really decided that I want to make Willow's food!  Crazy I know, since I never did that with the other children, but it really makes sense to make her own food, after all she has a latex allergy precaution. Now I know it is a precaution, but I was speaking with the neurology team and they feel that I should be cautious of these things, at least until she is older and out of the hospital for a while (after all I really don't want to be here anymore) so here are the basics of what I cannot feed her:

  • apples, bananas, kiwi, peaches, plums, figs, grapes, melons, papaya, passion fruit, cherries, nectarines, pears, pineapple and strawberries;
  • carrots, celery, raw potatoes, avocados and tomatoes;
  • chestnuts and hazelnuts;
  • wheat and rye.

Now as I said I have checked with her neuro surgeon's partner, and I have also today put in a call to the neuro-developmental specialist who also agrees that we stay away from those foods. Now I put into bold the foods one would "normally" feed to a baby who is starting out on foods!  Doesn't leave me many options now does it?!  So, with this list I will be shopping soon (when we get out of the hospital) and seeing if I can find food to feed to her! Jolly fun that should be! 

So, she is almost 7 months old, just trying her taste at peas! Hurray for her!  And we are still cloth diapering, and I still wear her in my moby wrap (again while we are home!) And I would not have it any other way with her! Who would have thought that an ol' dog could still learn a thing or two?! 


Ashley said…
Don't forget that you can use a food processor, hand mill, or blender instead of that expensive baby bullet. We did all of ours with a steaming basket, and the blender. I think I sent you this link, but I'll give it to you again. Tons of recipes here. http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/
DaisyPoet said…
Ashley, that was the site I was getting my ideas from for foods, if you check out the sites I have visited lately, I had added that very site!! LOL I actually remembered something!

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