Another set back
There has been a lot going on in the last 4 days since I have written, and while I have wanted to share every moment of it I also needed to digest it. I am utterly exhausted in a way that I have never felt before. I long for the days and nights of when she was a newborn and you have that type of exhaustion. That type seemed so much more simple than what I feel right now. So Wednesday we were told we would be getting the new EVD (external drain) placed on Thursday at 7:30 am; I was okay with that, because that meant that the following Thursday we would have it internalized and then maybe up to a week after that, so still 2 more weeks. Wednesday afternoon sometime, they put in a central line into her little chest. It is an IV that goes into the chest near the right shoulder and then has a catheter that runs over to her heart. It allows them the ability to draw blood easier (without more pokes) as well as continue with the vancomycin (the antibiotic sh...