The Year in Review
2010, what a year!
Jon spent the first part of it still unemployed while I was working at Victoria's Secret and going to school. In June I got a new job at Hansen-Balk. It is a steel treating plant and I work in the office as an administrative assistant. I was super excited about getting the job and being able to get out of retail, because in April, we found out we were expecting our 4th child! And here we thought we were done....
The boys turned another year older in the Spring and we had separate parties for each of them. They loved it. They finished the school year doing exceptionally well, and making mommy and daddy proud.
Summer came, and this pregnancy was kicking my butt. We tried to do things with the kids, but I could never do too much as I always felt sick or in pain. What a trial to go through! The kids were always telling us how bored they were, despite going out at least every other day to do something! At this point I was also still taking classes at Grand Valley, I am getting so much closer to finishing my degree, I can almost taste it!
Fall arrives, and with it a new school year for the kids. Mandie started kindergarten!! I thought it would be a wreck. She is a growing into quite the teenage attitude, so I was expecting many a trips to the principal's office. But she has out witted me once again, by being in school and turning on her charm... Oh that stinker!! But hey better than visiting the principal! The boys are doing great at this time, and the best news arrived in the fall... Jon has gotten a job! He gets to work from home for Apple Computers as a Tech. Support person. He works full time which is great! At this time, I am beginning to have more complications with the pregnancy, and am having trouble walking around campus to get to school. I am due Jan. 3, but this is getting tough.
Well, it turns out as you can see in recent posts, that I end up quitting school, well I filed for incomplete in all 4 of my classes. I have until April now to finish up my work! It is slightly disappointing, but hey, I had no choice. I have made numerous trips to ER with problems and contractions with Willow (Yes we are having another girl!), but no baby! Well, finally in Dec. I am told I am 3 cm! Yeah, baby soon!! Well, she had her own thoughts as to when she wanted to arrive.... Dec. 24th at 1:34 pm! Yup, I gave birth on Christmas Eve Day, and was stuck at the hospital on Christmas Day. :( It was quite disappointing, but I got over it when I woke up and got to hold my beautiful little girl all over again.
So now we will ring in the new year, and see what it will bring. So far a busy life! Jon starts school next week. The kids go back to school tomorrow, and I have to start looking for a babysitter for her so that when I go back to work at 6 weeks, she has someone to care for her. That will be the tough part.
Our newest arrival, Willow Anne West. 12/24/10, 1:34 pm at 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 18 inches! Welcome to the family.