November 2, already?!

My how time does fly whether one is having fun or not. Well, this last week has been loads of fun, excitement, trips to ER, sugar rushes, decisions and well, life. Lets see where shall we begin?

Last Thursday evening (Oct. 30), I went into the ER with a feeling of more than just wetting myself.... Thankfully while I am not sure if all I did was pee my pants, or just produce more mucus I am not sure, but she is indeed still head down and I am dilated to 1 cm. Not a huge deal as I know that I can sit like that for a couple of months still, but the issue with how bad things hurt down there, I am not sure how long I will sit like this.

So, I take it easy Thursday and Friday, and wake up Saturday morning to Jonathan who is having a hard time breathing. If he were a person with asthma I would say it would have been an asthma attack, but he is not. So I worried of course. We took him downtown, and after a chest X-Ray coming back clear, it was told to us he has something called Pluersey (may not be spelled right). It is an inflammation of his lungs lining that can be fixed with a dose of Motrin. So we try to take it easy on Saturday, poor kid didn't make it to the Trunk or Treat we had planned, but his brother and sister did, and they even got him a bag of candy too! I thought that was so nice of him.

Sunday, I stayed home while Jon took all three kids out Trick or Treating. I passed out candy to the 100 or so kids that showed up to our house (and yes of course you get the few who say it's for the baby... yeah because at 4 months old a baby eats candy). UGGGHHHHHHH.

As for me, I will also not be attending school the rest of the semester. I feel that I can not make it anymore, it is such a horrible chore to even work anymore that I can not carry a book bag with another 10-20 lbs of weight on it (plus what I carry with me every day anyway). I am very sad by this, and am not sure how to take it just yet. So, if you see me not looking so happy, that is why.

I will try to share a few pictures of the kids this year.... Lets see if they are ready!

We will start with the scariest of all of them.... Me at 30 weeks:

All 3 kids ready for school on Friday, they got to go in costume:

Jonathan getting ready for Sunday's Trick-or-Treating:

Evan and Mandie on Sunday before Trick-or-Treating:


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