We basically survived....
The first week of school for the children has officially come and gone!
Jonathan started 5th grade, and is quite excited about it. He has the same teacher as last year so he knows what to expect from her so that is nice for him. His first day he came home with a scarab beetle to disect. I was shocked to find him coming home with such an assignment on the first day, but come to find out it was his own thought to bring it home, not his teachers.
Evan has started 2nd grade, and was at first not thrilled because he did not get the teacher he wanted, but alas has come to appreciate and even be happy to be in her class. He has come home with a couple of homework assignments of Math which he loves. They have gone on a walk around the school learning about the flowers (habitats) that are in the area and what is growing there. They found butterflies, and grass hoppers! It was quite an exciting walk.
Mandie started kindergarten. I was a bit worried as to how this would go since she has quite the attitude at home. We seem to have trouble with her realizing that lunch time is when you eat all your food so that you are not hungry all day. But I suppose that will come with time. She seemed to have a good week up until Friday.... she decided to bite a boy on the cheek. :( It was not a hard bite in fact the teacher thought she was kissing him! But when she asked Mandie if she was kissing him she says, "NOOOOOO I was biting him." According to the teacher, it was quite adult like in manner (her voice); and it did not leave a mark, but at the same time, I am not a happy mom!
So that was their first week in school.
I can only hope next week is better, and as the weeks progress we get into a great routine of homework, housework, etc.