The week did not pan out as well as it was set for on Tuesday, but life is full of the up's and down's that make us stronger.
Jon was not able to get into CC this fall. Basically financial aid did not come through in enough time, and while some other colleges will hold classes until it does come through, they were not willing to do so. So despite all efforts to come up with the cash to pay for 1/2 down and sign up for the payment plan which would have held his classes and allowed him to go, it fell through by a bit. So, we decided that we will be patient and wait until Winter semester. I will not be going to school in January due to baby #4, so it will give him a chance to focus on school.
My appointment has been made with the specialist, for Tuesday at 2 pm. The nurse has already asked what type of restrictions I am on currently, and when I said I'm not really, (except for no lifting over 10 lbs, avoid excessive heat and rest) she was a bit surprised. So I am not looking forward to the appointment in that I do not want to be told I need more restrictions.
I will start classes tomorrow after work, so we shall see how that goes. Jonathan is getting excited about starting school, Evan doesn't seem to care either way, and Mandie... well, she doesn't want to go at all. Hopefully that will change soon!
So with it being Sunday, it is the beginning of a new week, and a new adventure for all.