Could it be any longer????
Wow, 3 years since I have posted on my blog! Good thing for other forms of communication or I would have probably had a missing persons report filed on me! Well, too much has been going on in the last 3 years to truly give a real sense of what its like here. But I can go from today (or at least the last month) and move forward, and try to make a worthwhile effort to blog more often.
I am pregnant with our 4th child. We found out last week it is a girl, and I am due Jan. 3. At this point we have a list of names a mile long, and probably not much hope of narrowing it down soon. My children are thrilled, Jonathan will be in 5th grade, Evan is going into 2nd, and Mandie starts kindergarten this year! All day, every day just like her brothers. So the house would have been quiet!! But alas, we have been blessed with another child, and definitely our last.
Jon will be going to school starting next week, to get his degree in video game design. I am still working on finishing my degree for teaching. I am still on track to graduate no later than Dec. 2012! So, I am good, it may be taking me forever, but I am getting there.
For now, I will say ado, there is much more to share, but there is also a large to do list staring me down today!