
Showing posts from April, 2017

March fun?

I am generally not this far behind on updating Willow's journey with hydrocephalus when something happens. Yet, this time; I faltered. I didn't jump right in to share to her story, or the fact that she was admitted to the hospital. I posted on my personal Facebook Page, what was going on, and then updated a few key people who needed to know. But, for some reason, I struggled to get words to computer this time. She is getting older, and as she does; I hope she will begin to take this blog over and share in her own words how her life is going and how she is feeling. But now is not that time. Yet, I still couldn't come here and write an update for those that follow her blog only. I think it all boiled down to I didn't want it to be real. I didn't want this to be the time she has her 17th brain surgery. I didn't want that freakin' shunt to fail on her. Willow on the other hand took it all so much better. She is our ultimate bottle of sunshine, our family...