
What a strange word this is: shunt-a-versary, shuntaversary... Yeah well, it's a funny word that means it is the anniversary of Willow's shunt; or the anniversary of her last surgery! Today, is not only Easter, but the day we remember that 3 years ago, our little girl had her 12th brain surgery. Yes 12. It is a great day of reflection, gratitude, humbleness (if it isn't a word, it is now - I just made it up!), braveness, appreciation, Faithfulness, and so many other feelings that are hard to comprehend and put into words. We are so thankful for all that Willow has grown to become in her 4 short years and look forward to all that she will be able to do as she continues to grow. While she is doing well, it is easy for many to forget that she has hydrocephalus, or to think that the shunt has cured her of it. Let me kindly remind you - there is no cure for this condition. She will face many other surgeries in her life, and each day she has is a blessing to not only...