What a day
Today was finally the day that the straw broke the camels back. I have been watching Willow all month, and with Jon taking note of her 'symptoms' or her little quirks that make the day slightly off, and today I finally took that all and started the calls to the doctors. What was that last straw you may wonder? A nap at 9 am - you see Willow is trying hard to cut out naps, and really if I can get her to settle she will take one at 3 pm (and yes she still needs them, her temper stinks profusely if she doesn't get one), but today falling asleep at 9 am after being awake for only 2 hours was enough for me to say time to make the phone calls. So I started with her opthalmologist, Dr. Geddie; mainly because the lazy eye has gotten significantly worse over the month, and I know that they can look at the optic nerve and see if there is pressure behind the eyes so I felt that was a good place to start. I have to say that today I was very impressed with how quickly they ...