A new diagnosis to add to the list...
Well, it was confirmed that what Willow had about a week ago was indeed a seizure - there is no doubt in the mind of her neurologist; but the EEG came back clear for any seizure activity... So my question was where does that leave us? It leaves us adding a new diagnosis to her medical dictionary. :( She has Encephalopathy, a real big fancy word for something we already knew she had - only this is a bit worse. The National Institute of Health defines it as this, "Encephalopathy is a term for any diffuse disease of the brain that alters brain function or structure". Diffuse meaning brain loss, well we knew that Willow has quite a bit of white matter loss, but honestly she is 2 1/2 years old and aside from currently being behind in speech you wouldn't know anything was wrong. I guess I had it deep in my head that we wouldn't really see what this 'white matter loss' meant to her or for her until school started. I don't know why, but I felt for a bit...