What a ride....
Many of you who follow our story have been wondering how Willow is doing since her last MRI scan. She is doing exceptionally well. She is still developmentally where she needs to be except for her speech. Now there were things found in her MRI that I have had to process and move on from which is why an immediate update was not found. There is a cyst on her thalamus gland, which is in the center of her brain. Apparently this was found on one of her scans last fall, but we were not informed of this. So when I saw it on her report this time around, I of course panicked. Well, the doctors have assured me that currently the cyst is stable, meaning it has not grown from the last scan. That is great news. The eh news that goes along with this (when there is an up there is always a down), is that it is not an 'if' but a WHEN does this begin to affect her and how. The thalamus gland apparently controls 4 of the 5 senses, so th...