PHF day at Capitol Hill
Well, the West family is back from our vacation to DC. There was so much planning, prepping, fundraising, packing, driving (LOL) that went into this trip.... but it was a huge success! :) Alas, with every trip there are ups and downs and speed bumps that are meant to allow for a deeper look into what is going on. So, I will try to share with you the whole trip, without boring you too much as well. :) Wednesday was the day we set to leave, when I went to work that morning we still had a rather large to do list as well. Such as pack the food, grab the phone cords, get a wheel alignment.. You know the basics! Well the wheel alignment was the first of a few speed bumps given to us. You see, there was more wrong with our car than just what I thought, so to make the details short... $200.00 later, and 4 hours after dropping it off we had our car again at 4 pm. Well, I had hoped to leave no later than 3 that day, so now I was trying not to get on edg...