
Showing posts from June, 2012

Just another day....

Well we are about 2 weeks into summer vacation with all the kids being home, and we are still trying to figure out this adjustment! Strange really, how hard this is on us, but I will give you a few examples... The older children who are used to summers where mom has been more laid back and flexible with bedtimes are having a hard time adjusting to the fact that bed time has not changed from school time to summer time (I used to let them stay up until the sun set), but alas, I have a job that has me working in the morning and an 18 month old who still wakes up to nurse in the middle of the night at least twice.  So this mama needs some sleep!  The other thing is, the older children do not know how to keep quiet voices in my house when Willow is in need of a nap... So we are having trouble with that as well.  The kids don't seem to be having trouble with keeping themselves busy either with computer time, outside time, fighting time (what bunch of siblings doesn't enjoy a ...

Summer vacation

Well folks, once again we are upon that time of year where all of our children are home from school, and when they wake up on Monday they won't have to go to school as its time for VACATION!! My kids are thrilled to put it lightly.  Willow though may not be as happy.  I know she loves her siblings and loves to interact with them but there are more times than not that they get to be too active for her, or too loud, or too obnoxious; oh the list could go on and on!  But really we need to set something up so that she can still get a nap in during the day and still be a happy little girl! :) Another change this summer is apparently my work hours.  I will now work on Friday's from noon until 8 pm. :(  I am not happy about that but what are you going to do?!  It seems a lot of the girls are complaining and my boss feels that because I have 4 kids I don't go anywhere on Friday nights so that I can work it and the single girls can go out. :/  Oh we...