The exhaustion sets in...
I know this feeling now all too well, and yet it is not a friend of mine. Sheer exhaustion, emotional, physical; I am just spent. Willow was admitted yesterday to the hospital again, and had surgery again... The difference this time, was we were admitted before getting here, and I got to skip the ER! We had a follow up with Dr. Foody, after our Sunday trip to ER. On Tuesday he did a shunt series (x-rays of her head to belly to track the shunt itself to check for breaks), and a nuclear med. study (the die test). Well the nuc. med study showed no inter ventricular activity. Basically she is not draining any fluid. Now one would immediately think that her vents would be huge, well they aren't. And her behavior is sporadic at best. Now to make it fair, she has been battling a low grade fever for a month and half now, and has had sporadic vomiting for about a month as well, so with those pieces plus the pieces of her CSF from t...