
Showing posts from November, 2011


Really what else is new right? I am a mom to four children who pull me in every which direction they can!  I know, but there are some weeks where you really feel it and other weeks are a breeze.  This is one of those really trying weeks. Monday Evan, Amanda and Willow went to the doctor.. Evan had a couple of stitches removed from his ear the rest will be Friday after school.  Amanda must wear the boot for at least 2 more weeks and then we will see how she is feeling and Willow has an ear infection.  We are really not sure if it actually ever went away; but here is she now on a new antibiotic.  Tuesday was slightly low key actually and that was nice, got some cleaning done to the house with Jon's help! Hurrah! Today is Wednesday and Willow started the morning at the eye doctor who said her vision looks great with the glasses so now to keep them on her face at all times (fun let me tell you).  We also scheduled her surgery for the opening of her tears ducts...

A new perspective

I have done a lot of thinking lately, and that is not always a bad thing and no it did not hurt. : p I have just been thinking about how blessed we are as a family, and how tumultuous this year has been and yet how far we have all come.  I was reading old blogs and notes in journals that I have found, and to see what life was like in March before Willow's first surgery and to see where she is now is like we are speaking of two different children.  I was just thinking earlier today about how she is still a mommy's girl, and she will cuddle with me all day if she could!  And while I will admit there are times when I complain about it, there are the moments where I look at her and say things could be different and she could be needing me for other reasons.  I try to put into perspective that we are very blessed with how things have turned out in our life, despite me not always being able to keep up with the house. But I would not change it for the world!

Another month...

Amazing how time can slip through one's fingers when all in the world seems fine and the day to day activities are all you have to keep you busy!  Of course I say that completely tongue in cheek as many of you know. :) Well, since the last post we celebrated Halloween with a trip around the neighborhood with friends, and Willow in her stroller enjoying the walk!  She slept through most of the trick or treating fun, but that is okay, since it was kind of chilly... not too bad really, especially for a Michigan fall evening. I had her dressed up in her octopus costume, I think it was adorable, Jon not so much! I have gone to Parent Teacher conferences for the older three children, and they are all doing excellent! I really could not ask for my children to be better students, which is truly a great gift.  The boys are both also in choir this year so we are busy with concerts that are fast approaching, as well as scouts for them both.  They sure know how to ...