Evaluation day!
Today was the day we had Willow evaluated so that she can start to receive services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, etc. Really for her age now, it is considered play therapy! I am really trying hard to remember the "label" they have just given Willow.... after research online (gotta love that!) I have found the answer! LOL She has just been "labled" with: Other health impairment (OHI) A disease or health disorder so significant that it negatively affects learning; examples include cancer, sickle-cell anemia, and diabetes. http://www.education.com/reference/article/IDEA-disabilities-categories/ Basically she has delays (we knew that) and right now they are delays because while she might be able to follow a toy from left to right one minute, she can not do so reliably. And that is how she is over all delayed as well, she does not lift her head reliably or consistently, she does not reach for toys (mainly due to her visual delay). S...